Personally, I like finding close matches to named varieties for my NOIDs. I usually label them as NOID along with the closest match. For whatever reason, this really helps me remember what they look like when they go out of bloom. Labels are for my personal use only.
I think I got the same NOID as you have in your first photo. The closest match I could find was Phal. Sogo Lawrence. Mine is fragrant too.
I have also had good luck matching some of my acquisitions up with Phals on Shulong's website:
Taiwan orchid, Taiwan Phalaenopis - Shulong Flowers. Occasionally, some show up in the grocery stores with their tags still in the pots and the numbers match up with those on the Shulong site.
I've also found a few on I've had some matches with tagged orchids from this site too, especially Phals from Lowe's.
From stores like Albertson's and Vons, I've had matches from
Assortment | Sion as well. I found the site by inputting the name and info from another one of the Phals I bought that still had a tag.
I know I can't definitively ID any that no longer have tags, but it's fun trying to get close.