Hi all! Been waiting for more of my rescue orchids to bloom and I have two. Number 1! What am I looking at? A vanda if some sort I think. Thanks as always.
Angraecum. Looks like it might be Angcm. eburneum or hybrid thereof (maybe Angcm. Veitchii, but spur is short enough that I suspect straight eburneum) . Very likely to be fragrant at night.
Wow! They get big. I have half a dozen of them. Will have to think about how to plant them.
Originally Posted by Roberta
Angraecum. Looks like it might be Angcm. eburneum or hybrid thereof (maybe Angcm. Veitchii, but spur is short enough that I suspect straight eburneum) . Very likely to be fragrant at night.
Wow! They get big. I have half a dozen of them. Will have to think about how to plant them.
Consider mounting to a tree if you have adequate rain or can manage watering them. But being monopodial, they get get quite tall within a reasonable footprint. Pot pretty much like a Vanda - large bark, very well drained. Or basket also an option.
They do get big. It is pretty common for people to grow them in large concrete pots out in their yard. It may be helpful to look around your neighborhood to see if anyone else has them and ask them how they treat their Angraecum.