Catasetum - was supposed to be Cycnodes Wine Delight
Hi, i bought a Cycnodes Wine Delight last year, and now it is finally in bloom.
i was expecting a deep red color..
is that a yellow Wine Delight, or something else?
thanks a lot.
I also found a photo in Orchidwiz of another Cycd. Wine Delight that is yellow, 'Jumbo Oriches' awarded in Taiwan. Unusual, but genetically reasonable - parents are Mormodes sinuata (the source of the red color most usually seen) and Cyc. lehmannii which is mostly green (saw a few photos that were more green-bronze) So the Mormodes sinuata is usually dominant for color, but clearly not always. Really pretty. (Sort of like in a family of brown-eyed people, one kid comes up with blue eyes... genetics not necessarily straightforward)
AY. I cannot help either then because I have never smelled them either. I have both plants but they are still seedlings/young plants so no clue yet u_u