This is probably Brascidostele (Bcd.) Gilded Tower 'Mystic Maze' HCC/AOS. It seems to be everywhere these days, and this looks right, but no identification of an unlabeled hybrid can be absolutely certain.
Brascidostele means it has Oncidium and Rhynchostele ancestors as well Brassia. Because some of the species have been reclassified over time, it used to be Anikaara and Banfieldara at different times instead of Brascidostele, and you may still see those names.
Look for culture instructions for Oncidium intergeneric hybrids or for Brassia. You know what got it wrinkled and sunburned and it still flowered, so aim for a bit less light and a bit more moisture (but fast draining, well aerated media) and it should thrive.