I checked the forum and i googled again...
It is quite similar, but there are subtle differences.
Most obvious is the colour; mine isnt that deep pink, but more orangish with a distict orange overshadowing on the the lower outer tepals i dont notice on the other D. glomeratum pictures
The second is the shape. Most other pictures of glomeratum have distinctly star shaped flower, so the overall shape is quite "classical" angiosperm flower; mine is more diadem shaped, the lower two outer tepals are not touching, but pointing outwartds at almost 180°
Also the leaves on mine look softer, more wavy amd grassy...less orchidy

I dont know, am i being too hairsplitting? It's just that in the course of my universiy program i did a botanical survey on an aeria with a lot of orchids, and I know some Dactylorhiza, Orchis/Anacamptis and Epipactis are split into different species (if not genera) for less, so now i jump on every difference i see, cause it might be something exciting

. And maybe in orchid business isnt so, but in fish useness are often mislabeled, so i prefer to re-determine the species myself... Plus i am having fun doing this, so no harm done