I agree that it looks like it's in the Oncidium group. (A pseudobulb with the roots growing out, a flattened pseudobulb that is visible, and the leaf form are all characteristic) The leaves look pretty dark green - it is probably not getting enough light. For most orchids, more of a yellow-green is desirable. In the short dark days of winter, it's going to be a challenge to get it sufficient light - a fluorescent or LED lamp about a foot from the plant 12 hours a day may help. I don't think it particularly needs the extra warmth of the heat mat, interior temperatures are probably fine. The other factor that may help blooming is a day-night temperature differential. If you turn down the heat at night, that may be enough of a difference between day and night. Very even temps around the clock are probably not desirable for blooming but the range does not need to be large. Just a bit of a chill at night should be fine, even helpful.
In spring, when nights are consistently above 50 deg F., it will probably benefit from being outside - bright shade or dappled sun would be ideal, the lengthening days will provide the light that will improve the odds of blooming.
Last edited by Roberta; 12-17-2016 at 02:28 AM..