Hello everyone!
I am new to orchids and also new to this board, I thought I would jump in right here.
I think I need some help identifying my orchid.
For family business I was in Meghalaya - Ri Bhoi District (India) a few months ago. I told my mother in law(who lives there) that I find her Epiphyllum oxypetalum's from her garden extremely beautiful! When we went back home she gave me six cutting of her Epi's and also a sweet little surprise plant with roots

I packed them nicely and everything survived two days traveling( tree flight and also two times my suitcase was opened by customs

.... Not even a question was asked?

At home I discovered the rooted plant was an orchid and I potted it nice without hardly knowing anything about orchids. During my investigation about how to get flowers from it I learned more and more about orchids and now I seem to get hooked on them

As you can see on the last picture I planted my orchid in a way to large pot when I got home and I put it at my brightest window, it get full sun from 12:00-16:00. The plant has been growing very nice and it developed a complete new and health root system. Since one week now I repotted it to a much smaller pot to make it root bound( after reading and learning)
I have not seen any flowers yet what makes it hard for me to identify my plant.. I wish to know how to give my baby the right treatment.
I found it is almost similar to dendrobium infundibulum and dendrobium longicornu( mine does not have any small dark hair)
Maybe someone can help me?
Sorry for my English I am trying my best!
The plant has one fresh shoot which is growing nice so far, it has one older shoot who is not growing and slowly drying it seems and it has also two completely dried shoots without leafs.