Online resources: amethystina not amethystoglossum
Just a note here to say how much I appreciate the info shared here, and to plug my other two go-to sources: Jay Pfahl's, and Blue Nanta, and of course google.
I was going to complain like this:
"I bought a little cattleya over the weekend, identified as 'C. intermedia v. amethystoglossum' but the longest pb is only 11cm. It looks like a C. intermedia, but the v. amethystoglossum has me stumped. Any ideas what this will look like when it blooms? (Not going to happen anytime soon: no new growths.)"
Well, I looked it up on, and discovered that I had mis-read the tag as amethystoglossum, when it was pretty clearly -tina. My vendor had it right, and I should have been more careful. In 5 minutes I had my answer.