This was a bag baby bought late last summer...lost tag after mounting. Five buds and another sheath populating!
Anyway, I'd love to find her name...I think if I saw it, I'd know it...
Edit: It's a bifoliate...
Last edited by CA2FLxplant; 07-05-2016 at 01:40 PM..
Have you tried contacting Better-Gro? They can sometimes ID plants that were fairly recently purchased- I think I heard they can usually ID within about a year. It's a pretty thing.
If you think you'd recognize the name, cruise the various stores that carry bag babies- one may still have the same plant in a jerkied form.
This is possibly Cattleychea (Epicattleya) Siam Jade. It was pretty commonly distributed some years back, with several different clones, some green/white splash petals and some green like this, all with white or near white lip. It is a fairly distinctive flower because of its Prosthechea mariae grandparent. Identification of a NoID is never certain though, and there could be some similar hybrids, but if Siam Jade rings a bell...
I don't think people should attach hybrid names to NOID plants. But if it helps jog your memory, it looks a lot like Rlc. Hawaiian Passion. Someone just posted a picture of theirs with a pink lip, but most pics in Orchid Wiz look like yours and now seems to be when they bloom.