Originally Posted by Optimist
The flowers look a lot like cimbidium. Are they related? I think it is great. scrappy plant and all the flowers are wonderful. Love the peachy color and bright spots.
Not related to Cyms. They are in the Epidendreae tribe but are in their own subtribe -Chysinae.
Interesting group and fairly easy to grow as long as you follow/pay attention to the distinctive wet/much less wet cycles of this group. I've had 4 (aurea, bractescens, laevis, violacea) but due to size issues...I'm down to just one at this point - Chysis violacea.
Yours is mostly likely aurea but w/out a tag/proper ID...you'll never know for sure. Unless you can track down the name via the grower...you'll probably just have to be happy w/Chysis. It's a beautiful plant and they all require the same growing conditions...which you seem to have down since it is blooming so beautifully.
My larger ones were mounted so they could hang naturally and, yes, they take up a LOT of space when allowed to do that.