Hey everyone! I've had this orchid for a bit over a year, and it has just decided to bloom for me this spring for the first time. At first I was slightly disappointed by the white blooms, but they've since grown on me, and I love the shape of these flowers and how hardy the plant itself is.
Does anyone have any idea what kind of Cattleya alliance orchid this is? Or can you at least narrow it down for me somewhat? The plant is bifolate, and has enlongated narrow psuedobulbs. It grows quickly when it is in a growth cycle, this most recent sheath that is blooming went from being a tiny growth to what you see now over the course of around three months. It has thrived outdoors in Houston, TX weather (hot and humid, with a mild winter), cheerfully enduring everything I've thrown at it.
The flowers are not fragrant, and they measure 3 inches across. The pseudobulbs do not get taller than 6 inches.
Thank you for your help! Sorry about the first couple of photos being a bit dark, the weather has been cloudy and drizzly here.