I have bought this orchid, which was just identified as a 'cambria'. When I asked the shop assistant what kind it was, she said she thought it might be a miltonia...but she was not sure. Can anybody confirm whether it is one (or identify the correct kind if it isnt)?
Thanks a lot
Cambria is the name of one hybrid that became widespread as Oncidium intergenerics were becoming popular mass market plants sold in bloom. It became the industry shorthand for a whole class of hybrids of similar appearance.
Long distance identifications of unlabeled hybrids is rarely certain, but this is probably an exception. Oncidiopsis Nelly Isler is very common and distinctive, though it comes in a variety of other colors too.
Oncidiopsis means it is a hybrid from Miltoniopsis and Oncidium in current classification. Since Miltoniopsis used to be considered Miltonia the shop assistant was not incorrect in her identification, just not very specific.