No expert here, but my instinct is the same- not nodosa, but close up- even primary- digbyana. The Rhy. Aristocrat I've seen were a little rounder/heavier/greener than this one, though I don't know enough to dismiss that. I have an Aristocrat hybrid (x. Binosa) that is most certainly not it. For starters, the nodosa terete foliage carried through on it.
My first impulse is maybe was-Bl. Helen? (Rhy. digbyana x. C. tenebrosa) With that yellow lip and bifoliate growth though, I don't think so. Probably digbyana x. some red/yellow lip bifoliate hybrid. It is a truly lovely thing though, NOID or not!
Last edited by pipsxlch; 08-20-2015 at 03:51 PM..