Do you have access to A Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Region, Elsa Pooley, Natal Flora Publications Trust, 1998? If you don't, you need to get it. It covers thousands of plants from the summer-rainfall area of South Africa, features thousands of color photos, and is organized by flower color. There is a comprehensive index and an index of plant names in indigenous languages. I paid US $40 about 20 years ago.
Bold words indicate diagnostic differences from similar species.
p 242: E. angolensis Robust, up to 2 m, in small clumps or large colonies. In marshy grassland, from coast to inland areas, E Cape (N Transkei) to Trop Afr. Leaves: +/- 900 x 50 mm, pleated, stiff, erect. Flowers: Inflorescence +/- 300 mm; 4-10 flowers, bright lemon yellow, sometimes tinged purplish brown or olive, sepals large, blunt tipped, +/- 26 mm, spur poorly developed, [flowering] Oct-Apr, sweetly scented. General: Used as a love charm. Easily grown, dormant in winter.
She lists a lot of other yellow-flowered Eulophia spp, many of which have overlapping distributions.