I saw it as a Gubler's mini orchid in a promotion which included a small yellow spotted and Jiaho's Pink girl. Hope it helps. I got the pink girl because it is a primary cross and scented. I was wondering if yours has a perfume?
If it helps, I bought an almost identical mini at Lowe's 3 weeks ago (also on clearance, but in worse shape). It had one dying flower left but was blotched with slightly less purple. It had its tag: Dtps. Lianher Cranberry 'Bravo'
Hahahaha, too funny. But Baginbinia doesn't mean it must remain nameless forever.
This mentality is like that a government refuses to issue another Birth Certificate once it's lost no matter what.
I hereby submit the birth certificate of Red Bean, to prove the ID beyond reasonable doubt, to restore it's name lost or intentionally hidden due to commercial mass distribution and exploit