I don't even know if this is a phal or a catta. The leaves look weird. But its growing a keiki and new roots. Possibly even a stem. A lady gave this to me; so I am not sure what color it has.
Oh it's lovely and it looks really healthy. It's a phal and its growing a basal keiki. It will be a nice surprise to see the flowers which shouldn't be too long as it looks great and ready to go
The longer, thinner leaves do not give me "phal" at first. My first thought was Aerangis. But then, there are so many phal types out there that they are hard to sort out.
I don't see any reason to doubt it is a Phal. (with a basal keiki, as noted). It does look like it may have been grown in low light for quite a while, which can account for relatively narrow leaves.
I'm not sure. A lady from around where I live gave it to me. She said she didn't really know how to take care of them. So she said I could have them. Its only been two maybe three weeks since I got it. I'm just glad its doing good.