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01-28-2008, 02:05 AM
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Trying to ID my beloved Phalaenopsis'
Hi guys, I'm new to the forums. If you want my life story please check out my post in the Introductions forum hehe. Anyways, I'm looking for some help IDing these Phals.
The first two pictures are of the very first orchid which my sister bought for me at a local grocery store in Florida in 2004. It's special to me because it's the orchid that started it all for me. It has light pink petals and sepals which intensify to a darker pink toward the column. The lip goes from a hot pink to a hot red to a golden color.
Sorry the pictures are not that great, I took these last year and wasn't intending on using them for identification but thats all I have right now. It hasn't bloomed yet this year but has two spikes growing. It has re-bloomed like crazy every year since I've had it. I realize that a lot of hybrids don't even have names and it's really hard to ID them because there are so many but I thought I might put this out there in case anyone knows. It seems like a pretty common color pattern to be sold in grocery stores and for the mass market. It blooms off of old spikes and ususally only keeps two healthy leaves at a time if that helps at all. I'm interested in knowing what it is because this year It's not in as good of shape as it was and I thought perhaps if I knew what it is I could research it better.
The third picture is an orchid I bought at the WOC but the tag just had some numbers on it. I looked at pictures online and I think it's a Doritaenopsis Taida Salu. If anyone has ever seen one in real life and could positively identify it please let me know. Thanks!


01-28-2008, 05:57 AM
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Welcome to Orchid Board! You have a beautifully grown Phalaenopsis hybrid there - what with branching spikes and all.
Sadly, attempting to ID a hybrid is a definite no-no. There are thousands of look-alikes out there. Even the most 'intelligent' guesswork will ultimately undermine the excellent work done by the organisations that register orchid names.
May I suggest you call it after your sister. You label should read something like Phalaenopsis hybrid 'Cheryl'.
Your new acquisition is a real beauty too. See if you can get a proper name from the vendor. Otherwise, it will have to be a Phalaenopsis hybrid 'WOC'

01-28-2008, 09:26 AM
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They're all beautiful, Lisa 

01-28-2008, 10:46 AM
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They are really lovely

01-28-2008, 04:08 PM
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Ok, I understand. Thanks Weng.
I shall call the pink one Phal hybrid "Sara" after my sister. That's a really great idea!
As far as the red one, I think I'm going to call it "Looks like Taida Salu" lol. At least then, even if it's not Taida Salu, one can get an idea of what it resembles.
I got a new camera so I will post some new pics when my Phal hybrid "Sara" opens some flowers within the next week or so.
Thanks again everyone.

01-28-2008, 04:13 PM
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I think I'm going to call it "Looks like Taida Salu"
 I like it!

01-28-2008, 04:28 PM
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the first one has such an impressive display of blooms!
the last one I have seen before at big box stores and mericloned many times, but unfortunately I don't have a name since I didn't buy it. However I do not know how many are out there that look similar
I agree that most phal hybirds are nearly impossible to id

01-28-2008, 05:39 PM
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Whever their names, they are spectacular. Some of us up north would give our right --- to be able to grow phals like that!

01-28-2008, 09:24 PM
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Hehe thanks, I really owe it mostly to the climate here in Miami. Seems to be just perfect for Phals. The second picture is when it was in decline and lots of the flowers had already fallen off so it actually looked even more amazing between pictures one and three. I cut off all the old stems becasue they died back and dried up this summer =(. It's blooming again this year but only has two inforescences so far so I don't think its going to be as spectacular.
Here are some pictures so you can compare my "Looks Like Taida Salu" and an image of an actual Taida Salu which I found online. I think the simelarity is uncanny except for the actual color shade. It's a strange color though. When I bought it at the WOC it had a bright spotlight on it and it was like a bright cherry red. When I took it outside it changed to a deep plum color. The picture that I took of mine with my camera is outside so its a little darker but with the right artificial light I think it would look exaclty like the professional photo.

Last edited by Gwenchanter; 01-28-2008 at 09:39 PM..
Reason: grammar

01-29-2008, 04:38 AM
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Just my humble opinion but I think you have a match.
When it comes right down to it, as long as your not going to breed the plant, it's yours and you can call it anything you like. LOL
Your, pic is better than the "profession" anyday.
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