Excellent answer Weng! You know how concerned I get about ID vs NOID. Your suggestion of a clonal epithet as the plant's name is perfect!
Gwen, as to your WOC plant, the numbers on the tag should mean something to the grower/vendor/hybridizer - perhaps, you can contact them for a positive ID.
BTW, I wouldn't mind having Phal. hybrid 'Sara' in my collection ... keep up the good growing!
I will try and contact the seller although I forgot which one I bought it from. I will have to go through the list of venders from the program and see if any ring a bell.
I will let you know if Phal hybird "Sara" makes any keikis. I've had it for about 4 years now and so far none, but I might try some of that stuff thats supposed to make keikis grow.