Hello, fellow orchidiers! I recently went to a local orchid grower's open house where I the owner gave me a deal on a mounted phal, his last one! He said it was a species, but dropped the tag and gave me a few bucks off for it! So in short... I need your help! Here's a couple pictures. The flowers are nearing their ends!
Help and I'll love you all long time!
Last edited by theloyalplum; 05-08-2015 at 07:36 AM..
Reason: Identified!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can now properly find information! The variation within the species is quite... overwhelming! I hope I don't kill it. hehe...
This species is quite variable indeed. There is the classic tetraspis which is either all white or has transverse red bars. But the form that has random red petals or sepals, or your form which is almost totally red, some people call that speciosa. In reality, that's tetraspis also. There's another post on this forum where I posted a link to a paper proving that these forms are the same thing.
Phal speciosa is a real entity, and is a sister species to tetraspis. But in all likelihood, the real speciosa is extinct.