The 'fever' can bite hard. I guess if there are some Catt species you really want and don't often see, I would be tempted to get at least a couple. If there are easy to obtain ones, then you could pass those by till another time. I grow a lot of Catts and I think they are maybe my favourite genus. But whatever is in bloom at the time is usually my favourite
same here, I lean toward whats in bloom unless there is a pic showing what the plant looks like in bloom (or the parent of a clone , ex.). I did end up purchasing a Dendrobium anosmum I was looking for that wasn't in bloom ( no where near ) because I had read it has a fragrance like raspberries. the last one I found at a spring sale in Sarasota, fl (Tropiflora's) they wanted too much but it was a massive plant. the one I purchased has only one shoot/cane with a couple ones sprouting so I do appreciate getting "babies" and getting them to grow to flowering size ( haven't got that far yet but approaching ). I even have started a batch of flasks since ive grown mushrooms and I understand to keep everything sterile, so I thought ide give that a try. just getting something to grow from seed to flowering/fruiting size is just so rewarding to me.