Originally Posted by Mandy2705
Pat's Catt's I think it's scale and I heard that they are extremely hard to get rid of? I unpotted it and am soaking the WHOLE plant in soapy water with hydrogen peroxide. I got this plant for free so if that kills it oh well no financial loss for me. The maxillaria looks good but it was together in the box when it was in car. I will keep that one separate till I am positive there is no danger.
I'm glad that the patient wasn't to long in the company of your other orchids, so the rest will be fine if you keep an eye on them. And on the bright sight, i think you will always check your new orchids now on bugs and other guests. And if in doubt, spray them hard, and keep them seperate. I once got a really good, but though, advise from a professional orchid grower, she told me that everything she doubted went in the shredder, and it didn't matter if they were common or really rare, she wouldn't take any risks on that matter. I must say that sounds quite harsh, but i've never seen a healthier collection of plants then hers and i always buy plants there with the confidance that they are clean and bug free! So if you are in too much doubt i would just get rid of it! Good luck and keep us posted! 👍👍