This latest addition to my orchid family I'm afraid is not a Rhys. At the stall where I bought it the seller was no where in sight, just his/her phone number left on a cardboard sign. Consequently, between the old couple from the next stall who did not seem to be well versed in orchidspeak, and me who was not well versed in Thai speak period, we quickly came to the happy conclusion that this is an "elephant" (ie rhys in Thai) [and/or because of my utter conviction that it must be so, translated to "I won't leave without it!"]
Back home I can’t help but notice that its daintiness which was what seduced me in the first place definitely makes it stand out as an ugly duckling among my herd of elephants (rhys) [Or Cinderella rather, compared to the brutish look of its rhys brothers, this one carries itself more like a princess…]
I guess it’s a hybrid because it doesn’t have the flat fishbone shape of a vanda. Am I right or am I right? Its fragrance is typical rhys-istic though its roots are more timid, not elephant-tusky.
It would spare me from further sleepless nights if some one could id it for me (with latin name -is that genus? - and whatnot),
Elephant Man