mini phal of some sort- ID?
Hey everyone!
I hope it isn't spam to make two posts about one orchid, but I wanted to ask about the health of the plant in one forum, and about the ID in this one!
Apologies if that is too much!
Anyway, here we go! This is a little phalaenopsis orchid that I picked up in Trader Joe's today for $9. It is absolutely adorable and cheery. I am wondering, though, what is it? It seems like one of those that might have an ID, or might have at least a special background that I can see.
It looks like similar to Sedirea Japonica crossed with something else. Maybe a doritaneopsis? Maybe a cross with a bellina? Honestly what is the difference between a phalaenopsis and a doritaneopsis? I know the Sed Japonica is a species, but the doritaneopsis? Idk!
Thanks for your help, everyone!