While in Albertson's I can across these two little phals. One definitely looks like a Shilleriana hybrid and the other I have no clue but it's foliage is mottled. The Shilleriana hybrid has a rose-like fragrance and very little spotting on the leaves. 7.99 for each and I have always told myself if I ever saw such a phal I would purchase it. Well it just so happens I saw two at the same time lol.
I remember seeing a big batch of fragrant, mottled, labeled, schilleriana in stater brothers years ago.
Way in the beginning.
I didn't buy them and regretted it ever since.
Don't know for sure what you have, either, but the stuartiana is showing thru too -- mottled leaves, but also the freckles in the lower half of the blossom.
Cool, I have seen some flowers that looked this color but I never noticed that they had spotted leaves. I will from now on look closer, cause if I see it I will indeed buy them.