You could join the Pleurothallid alliance and post a message on the PA list-server. Or contact Luer/Britto directly. There are loads of them, and apart of the green books (aka icones pleurothallidinarum: I don't have them) not much out there in terms of refs. Not sure in which country it was seen, so can't comment on any other possible literature. Dressler (Orchis of Costa Rica and Panama) lists about 40 species, but only gives name, no description. Dodson (Orchids of Ecuador, vol 5) estimates 600-900 Stelis species to exist, with 428 reported from Ecuador. illustrated are about 30. His S. brevilabris is a pretty good fit to your plant, but I don't even know what the characters are to properly ID a Stelis. Extrapolating from Oberonia (my group, also with minute flowers), it requires better images to really know what it is: one flower full frame, preferentially z-stacked.
Good luck!