No, this is definitely a hybrid, but you'll just never know the name.
It is not callosum because the petals look nothing like callosum.
This is one of those maudiae hybrids.
It definitely has callosum in it, and then perhaps combination of barbarta, lawrenceanum, curtisii or sukhakulii (these last two gives those spots on the petals).
Hi, thank you for all the input. Unfortunately the person who owns it, lost the liable and has owned the orchid for many years. I was also thinking across the lines of barbatum, callosum, lawrencianum and was wondering about superbiens? Superbiens seems to have the spots, finer though, but has the swayback at the tips of the petals.
superbiens ( or curtisii) both contributes swept down petals and larger flower size, darker pouch if colored form is desired in hybrids, although not always the case of course, but that is usually the goal.