Hi Guys
Hope everyone's doing fine as well as our beautiful and beloved orchids!
I bought this Catt almost two years ago without flower. The roots were embedded in a hunk of coconut husk and after a while it didn't seem to be going anywhere so I decided to soak and carefully remove the roots from the rotting material.
Anyway To make a long story short, I've been nursing it back to health and finally it grew a bud which I've been anxiously awaiting with baited breath (whatever that means

and started opening today.
So here's my question:
The tag labeled it as an LC Candy Girl 'Emi" but I've looked all over and all of the Candy Girls seem to be a light lilac rosy color.
This is a red,red, red, color (the picture doesn't do it justice) I absolutely LOVE it

and hope it stays that way, but Is this a Candy Girl 'Emi" or not?
It's always been a small,compact plant and it's leaves are smallish.
Can anybody tell what it is Thank y'all so much!