Hi Surjasama, nice-looking plants!
In your first photo, I'd guess Den. aphyllum (formerly known as pierardii or cucullatum) for the pendant one on the left. Keep it cool, bright, and fairly dry for the winter and it should bloom very nicely in the springtime. They sometimes keiki a fair amount, which many say is from keeping them too wet or overfertilized in the winter. My experience raising a few juvenile aphyllum makes me think it's more complicated than that, but I also don't mind a few keikis so I haven't worried about it much.
The other plant in the first picture looks like a Den hybrid involving sections Spatulata or Phalaenanthe, but again can't say conclusively out of bloom, and if it's an unlabeled hybrid it will be impossible to ID conclusively.
In your third picture the one on the left looks like another Phal/Spatulata-type Den and the one on the right like Oncidium or a relative, maybe something with Miltonia or Brassia in its ancestry.