so, guys... the kokedama potting has me perplexed.
it went from green and alive looking in the moss-wrap, to a more distinct brown and dry, but not before a quick bout of white mold in a few places (i tackled them with some alcohol and they went away/ actually i suspected i was keeping it too oist, and it got brown subsequently when i stopped
misting so often). the roots have grown through it, and i'm considering re-potting/re-kokedama-ing...
thing is, its thriving! it produces large and strong new growth every year, and blossoms too. it seems perfectly happy.
i am prepared to repot (set it in new moss, wrap it, tie it up, kokedama the whole shebang) but have never done that, so i am a bit apprehensive.
but more i'm wondering - do i repot it because everything i've read indicates i should at least once every two years, or do i leave it a little longer considering how happy it seems? it has not been repotted since i got it, now almost two years... and who knows how long before i bought it.
thoughts on:
a) repotting in the kokedama style?
b) not repotting when the dude seems happy as pie?

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