Anyone's guess...take a punt!!
The largest dendrobium you can see in the photo has been in my collection for over 6 years. in the old house it just didn't get enough light and it got watered way too much. I inherited it without a tag so no idea if it is a hybrid or species.
in the new house entirely new position with a stack of high light and I have pretty much left the watering to mother nature. As it is the dry season here, it has gotten 5 fifths of stuff all water.
So in 6 months it been at the new house the pseudo bulbs have gone ballistic with the largest being 1.5 metres in length and 2 months ago spikes started with some now ready to pop.
The question is...what is it? I kinda have a suspicion it is a new guinea hybrid mostly due to the size of the bulbs but wouldn't be surprised if it was a Den discolor.
time will tell but with 3 to 4 spikes for each PB, it should be rather spectacular when all out.
Anyway take a guess.....