GREAT information! I have one Brassia that's very small compared to these, which are a much bigger challenge!
As you can see, they are BAD need of repotting! I sprayed them well with Neem Oil last night and had planned to hit them with some Thiomyl once repotted...but I do like your idea better. (Let them soak and then dry out for the actual repotting tomorrow.)
As you can see...this is going to take some time. I think I'll use Lava Rock for my mound. I'd like to repot these for the long haul...meaning, to stay in the pot for 2-3 years before repotting. I think perhaps a VERY large basket that can be hung.
This looks like a few hours worth of prep work doesn't it?
You are a wealth of great information James! I KNEW I could count on you!

I've always gotten good information from you and I thank you.

Makes you cringe doesn't it? My friend isn't really good with repotting!

There's a lot of vertical growth going on here. Not sure what I'll do with it until I get in there.