Pic 1 looks like it could be Anacamptis morio.
Second photo looks like it might be Orchis purpurea.
I'm not too sure about the different Ophrys species you have pictured, but I think pic 5 is either Ophrys phrygia or something closely related to it.
I'm not sure if pic 6 or pic 8 are the same as the Ophrys in pic 5 or not, but they do look a little different from each other. The Oprhys in pics 5, 6, & 8 are closely related to each other, but I can't nail it down to a species.
The Ophrys in pics 4 & 7 are either Ophrys mammosa or something closely related to it.
Pic 3 is probably Ophrys helenae or something very close to it.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-18-2014 at 02:32 AM..