hi all, just got my mom an orchid for mothers day... nursery didn't have the tag for this but i got it anyways. anyone know what type of oncidium it looks like?
hmm...we wont be able to tell much until they bloom and then see the bloom shape and size etc. Even then may be hard since orchids get crossed so frequently. But based on the colors it will be ASTOUNDING!
i hope so... my mom already has a Sherry baby so i was hoping i didn't duplicate it... seeing this one has a bit of yellow and larger blooms i figured I'd be safe...
I agree with Kindrag's comment about waiting until it opens... however my first thought was it looks like my Wildcat when it's in bud... could be anything at this stage though.
Yeah...it's most likely one of the many Oncostele (I think this is what they're being called right now) Wildcat siblings out there. It looks a lot like Oncostele Wildcat 'Green Valley' but it may just be a sibling that is very similar...although I think, more often than not, the plants we see mass produced are usually a named clone.
Last edited by reliablefool; 05-09-2014 at 10:51 AM..