Just got this from the nursery and forgot to confirm its identification! Just wondering if I should treat this as miniature Cymbidium or is it something else? Any comments are much appreciated! Thanks
Sorry for the poor picture, I'all try to get a better one soon.
Last edited by MaGicDust; 04-04-2014 at 10:10 PM..
Try to get one of the plant. From what I can see of the leaves, this does not look like a cymbidium. I'm not very sure what the flower looks like from this photo, I don't think this is a cymbidium flower either, unless it's one I've never seen before, which is actually very likely.
Last edited by RandomGemini; 04-04-2014 at 12:41 PM..
Their leaves definitely look more like oncidium than cymbidium. But for the flowers, maybe it's oncidium hybrid? Doesn't look much like typical oncidium.
PS: Updated with better pictures of the flowers and plant! Just note that the shape of the bloomed Flower is as such because its about to fall off.
It is very nice and I hope someone can give you a good guess on the type!
Have you tried calling the vendor or stopping by (with pictures on your phone) and asking them what it is? That might be your best bet.