I'm bumping this because this darn think is sending a bud right now. So it's June here and like all right-thinking people who live in the correct (southern) hemisphere the only explanations I can give are either:
1. that indian summer we had a few weeks ago confused it; or
2. the S.cirratah flowers up to twice a year.
Any suggestions? I have no idea.
And I should add that none of my other Stanhopeas are flowering save this (yet) and they are in exactly the same conditions... I have lots of Stanhopeas.
Jan/Feb is the usual flowering season here for these (IMO and IMclimate). Mind you, the temperatures do get down to, like, below 10 degreees Celcius in winter so it can get fairly cool where I live. Not like those outlandish places like say North America or Europe.
Very curious whether this is an abberation or normal for S.cirrhata...
Should get a pic quite frankly but if you are reading this most likely you all know what a Stanhopea bud looks like. And trust me, I know what season it is here, approaching mid-winter. It just seems wrong...