not really, the leaves you can see really act more like sheaths for the stem...they are classified as early deciduous, basically meaning they are done before they get started. the stem will grow bigger but the little leaves grow from underneath the old ones and the tips basically die as they grow past the edge of the old dead leaves. It started another bloom spike over a month ago, but I think it turned out to be a basal keiki...the mother plant was so stressed out when I bought it! the same sellers were there again at Fairchild tropical botanic garden over the weekend and had more plants for sale, one had a bloom spike on it but no buds...and I figured since it was literally the same lot from the same growers, it would be the same species, mislabeled or not...and didn't get one. Caribe plants had funalis for $55 that were well grown and on those flat baskets but that was too much for I bought the last (near bloom size)brassavola david sanders, a cyrtopodium paranaense, and a mini phal (noid from Caribe plants) all for $30 and called it a day.