Originally Posted by Alexis Hernandez
Thanks for your help, but it does´t look exactly like Mormodes (i google it to found some images)
Do you think (maybe) it is an hybrid?
(This plant is from Panama close to Costa Rica's border)
I'm certainly not an expert, but I think the identification of genus Mormodes is pretty likely, and others seem to agree. It looked like a member of the Catatsetinae, and OrchidWiz makes it easy to search for species by country or region, with pictures of most species in popular genera. I picked Mormodes atropurpurea as one possibility, but there are certainly other species of similar coloring in the Panama/Costa Rica region, each with somewhat different appearance and variability. Hybrids are possible both within the genus and with other genera in the Catasetinae, though far less likely to encounter in the wild than species.
There aren't very many well identified clear pictures of some Mormodes species available on the internet, and never showing the whole variability of the species. Mormodes flowers have very different appearance from different angles, and since you have seen the flowers in person you can certainly judge more easily than I can if your flowers match any other pictures. Good luck getting a positive ID.