Originally Posted by jnotjane
Silje, thank you so much for your reply. I was afraid that there was no way to positively ID a mass-produced orchid. Is there any way to hazard a guess as to what sort of cross could give that peculiar shape to the petals? I've never seen petals like that on a Phal. They have a sort of ridging on the top that looks almost laser cut (I'm not sure the picture shows it that well). I'd be happy just having an idea of what species might be in the parentage of this beauty, not just for my own curiosity (I really love the science behind hybrids) but also so I could find a similar plant should something happen to this one.
By the way - I love your tag line "Orchids - small pots of joy (most of the time)". Its so true!
I've also got a couple of NOID phals that are more 'ruffled' than others. I've got a dark purple one with particularly uneven edges. Yes, that is probably something that can be traced back...somewhere, but I don't have a clue what direction one should look in.
The spots could possible derive from phalaenopsis stuartiana, but that's also a very long shot...so, sorry. I think it will be impossible to get any closer unless the nursery that produced the plant is able to give you more info.