I bought this odd cookie from a fellow earlier in the year. The gentleman I bought it from has a staggeringly huge collection, and he threw this one in cheap because it had never flowered as far as he remembered.
Lo and behold, as spring set in she threw a spike out for me!. The first has flowered nicely and a second spike is on its way.
The issue is, it's labelled as 'Zygosepalum labiosum'.
I'm in no way familiar with Zygo's of any kind - this one is my only one - but from the google-fu I've performed the label seems to be wrong.
Much closer visually are the Zygopetalums, especially 'Zygopetalum crinitum', though even it's not super close - just the closest I could find.
Hoping someone more familiar with Zygo families can help me out with this one.
Oh as an added note - the flowers are heavily perfumed - spicy and floral, quite heady.