Wonderful! Is it maybe lava rock instead of charcoal? Just curious... I ordered mine from Hausermans this past late winter/early spring, and it was potted in small, black lava rock w/ shredded spag... Seemed to be the perfect balance for it!
Yep, I'd say a slightly bigger pot is needed as well... The next growth you get, should be as big (maybe larger) than the largest PBulb on the plant
lol, they aren't small! (I think WhiteRabbit has hers in a 10 inch pot, and if I recall correctly (?) I think she was about to repot, cuz it was outgrowing that!) so a 4" will do well for this guy, in my opinion
...until next year
Oh, and I love RePotMe... Great stuff, a little on the pricey side, but with certain things, it's worth it, for others... I go to Kelly's Korner (shipping isn't too bad, at least for me, it wasn't, & I ordered clay pots... I'm a repeat customer here as well), I've also heard good things about Tindara's Orchids as well (I haven't personally ordered from them yet, but I'm sure I will). Oh, and how could I forget? Rays store, First Rays... Great prices, quality stuff, and shipping is at cost - always a happy customer!
Kelley's Korner Orchid Supplies, We offer everything to grow great Orchids!
Tindara's Orchid Supplies, Orchid Pots, Mix, Potting Tools
First Rays LLC