They seemed a bit long to me too. I hope its not insanely hard to differentiate between all the dendrochilum species. Its definitely smaller in scale than my magnum youngster.
the flower picture is from last year. This years bloom spikes not open yet. To get plant-in-flower picture I'll have to wait a bit. I can get a plant-in-spike shot anytime now, but will that be as helpful?
I was lucky enough to get a division of a magnum in August. I have the benefit of being able to see both plants next to each other on the bench. I added photos to my flikr page for you. The plants are quite different.
I sent photos to Trey Sanders and he agrees that it is a latifolium var. macranthum. As to the difference with my "Magnum", he says that latifolium var macranthum can be extremely variable, and that most magnum in the trade are really latifolium. Maybe my magnum is the real thing (doubt it).