Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)
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Old 09-09-2013, 03:17 AM
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid) Male

Originally Posted by Davesp310 View Post
That looks suspiciously like it - Thanks !

I'd guess this is another one dad collected himself, I'm at the southern (cooler) end of its range, in central eastern NSW
Dave, I am extremely excited due to the fact I found actually by pure luck (not even looking for it!) one of these Dockrillia's here in the USA - nursery grew them from the seeds! So I scored one:-) Love Dockrillia Dendros. May I ask, how is this orchid grown at your dad's location - mounted, but what about the light/sun? Doe sit like full sun, filtered sun? I would appreciate any tips:-)
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Old 09-09-2013, 05:06 AM
greengarden greengarden is offline
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)

I have a lot of these growing around my place and they grow on the rocks and trees wild around here. They grow happily in slight shade such as under a patio or attached to the branches of trees. In the wild they commonly grow on verticle rock faces, sometimes in quite a lot of sun. Mounted I find they need a fair bit of water but they can handle lower humidity as long as you water them regularly.
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Old 09-09-2013, 09:25 AM
Davesp310 Davesp310 is offline

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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)

I've found three examples now, all mounted on branches. Dad had them hanging in his ferneries, under shadecloth (not sure what %age shadecloth). They were all hanging from the roof rafters, don't know if that was because that's where he thought they grew best, or if it was just a convenient spot to bang in a few nails to hang them ?

On a sidenote, I came across some of dad's books on the weekend - one in particular was particularly interesting - "Orchids of Australia" by WH Nicholls. Absolutely magnificent book, all hand-drawn illustrations. The book dates from 1969, but some of the illustrations are dated back to the 1920's. So hopefully I may be able to identify a few myself now

Last edited by Davesp310; 09-09-2013 at 09:27 AM..
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Old 09-09-2013, 10:12 AM
greengarden greengarden is offline
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)

I grow them on mounts hangin up high on the patio posts, etc. They do like bright indirect light and can tolerate more light than a lot of orchids, they are quite well adapted to our hot, dry, summers don't forget
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Old 09-09-2013, 12:05 PM
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid) Male

Awesome, many thanks. I have 2 spot candidates for this one, so I'll see once mounted. It is coming in the pot, but the first thing is mounting it on tree fern, and than either hanging it under the roof or actually into my dracema tree. I also found that these guys go through some very long and rough DRY SPELLS in Australia, so the info says do not over water! I must remember this! It says definitely bright light:-)
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Old 09-10-2013, 06:20 AM
greengarden greengarden is offline
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid)

If it is in a pot you don't want to overwater but if it is on a mount they like a good amount of water but will tolerate it being drier. The ones of mine that grow best are mounted with lots of moss and get a spray from the hose every couple of days and sometimes every day in the heat of summer.

The climate here is as far as I can tell similiar to Southern California if that helps you. The orchids commonly grow on the cliffs along the sides of rivers and creeks so they are used to some humidity and moisture from that.
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Old 09-10-2013, 06:22 PM
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Help with ID for this strange one (wasn't sure initially if it was an orchid) Male

Originally Posted by greengarden View Post
If it is in a pot you don't want to overwater but if it is on a mount they like a good amount of water but will tolerate it being drier. The ones of mine that grow best are mounted with lots of moss and get a spray from the hose every couple of days and sometimes every day in the heat of summer.

The climate here is as far as I can tell similiar to Southern California if that helps you. The orchids commonly grow on the cliffs along the sides of rivers and creeks so they are used to some humidity and moisture from that.
Many thanks greengarden, humidity won't be issue - Florida is humid all the time - and it is coming in the pot but I am immediately mounting it, I do not grow any of dockrillias in the pots, only mounted:-)
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