This cutie is out at the moment - it's pretty much mid-winter over here. Any suggestions appreciated, I've just got it out of its old communal pot - about five hours work as there was a fern growing in there - and have to pot up 10 pieces.
Any suggestions? Maikai comes to mind but I'm not that familiar with BCs. I can get more pics if that would help with an ID. The last photo was taken without a flash.
There are other crosses that would be virtually indistinguishable, but I agree it is probably Maikai (Brassanthe now though, not Brassocattleya). Not necessarily 'Louise' or 'Mayumi' or any of the other widely distributed cultivars. Many non-clone seedlings have been sold also.
looks like a Bc Makai to me also. I would also ask if it is it a 'mayumi' or a louise' as well. Reason being I have one and the plant is somewhere around 30 years old. Mine looks just a bit more shapely. I am in Naples Florida Zone 10b it is outside and gets full sun from the west for about 5 hours a day. Mine blooms just about all year.