I have a few orchids in my collection that I have NO earthly idea exactly what they are. This is one of them....No tag. No ID. Thank you very much for helping!
Thank you Bob! I'm heading in that direction to look him up. He seems to be happy but I just put him in small lava rock because he so badly needed repotting. I hope I didn't hurt him!
lip is wrong for cordigera. Pheonicia or a hybrid thereof? Can you get a clear image of the lip? What about size of floral parts? Encyclias are real buggers because they are an ACTIVELY speciating group and half of them are hybrid swarms even in the wild, nevermind in cultivation when what something is classified as changes with taxonomic winds. Handily they pretty much all like bright, warm conditions and are tolerant of a range of watering habits.
You are right orchidflowerchild - it is an odd lip for cordigera! I was thinking phoenicia in the back of my mind, but could not remember the name at the time. And you are also right about the interbreeding of the species - a google image search will show the various formations of what is supposedly the same orchid - they vary considerably with the interbreeding that is done to them and which they will do within their own species. Thanks for the correction!
Hope this is helpful to the original poster - it is SO hard to ID an orchid from a photo and sometimes even from first hand viewing!!
Strongly resembles my Enc. Summer Stars from the photos, but so many of the encyclias look like one another I couldn't say for sure. That is a hybrid that's been pretty commonly available the last couple years. (the clone 'Jungle Nights')