I'd like to know what type of orchid this is so that I can be better able to care for its specific needs. I am unfamiliar with orchid care and plants in general but have been reading and learning lots!
I've attached 2 pictures of my new plant. Anything you can tell me about it would be greatly appreciated.
Is there anything else you can tell me about the above Phal in terms of identification? (This time, just out of curiosity.)
Also, can somebody please tell me what type of orchid this new photo I'm posting is?
(The leaves in the background belong to a different plant. Ignore those.)
From what I've found, if it didn't have an identification tag, then it's a Noid. there are so many out there not named & some bred from seeds of a named, so they look like a named, only aren't.
Thank you Carpe_Diem and Skayc1.
The second plant is no longer alive (it belonged to somebody else in my home; I found the picture from a couple of years ago and was curious).
I've read that NoIDs are "less valuable" than ones whose names are known. Are there other characteristics that are more or less universally agreed upon as more desirable? Certain colours perhaps, or petal-shapes, or patterns/spots...
I did put "less valuable" in quotations for this reason. NoIDs are of no less value to me!
I only have one right now (my first one). I want some variety, so I'm trying to learn about other "kinds". But they're all just as pretty. I was just wondering if there are distinct characteristics that I can choose to look for in my second and subsequent orchid plant purchases.