Angraecum ID
I have been growing this Angraecum for over 30 years now, probably closer to 40 - so long that I don't even remember where I got it! I believe it is an Angraecum, but it never had a tag, so I guess it could be some related genera.
It always blooms reliably this time of year. The plant itself is huge - individual leaves are seldom less that 2 feet (60 cm) long. The flowers, however, are smallish, about 3 1/2 inches tall, 3 inches wide (9 cm tall, 7 to 8 cm wide). As you can see, they are borne "upright" with lip at the bottom. Also note that the nectar spur is short, pointing up behind the top petal. It really looks a lot like an eburnum, except the flowers are the wrong way round and the nectar spur looks shorter.