Originally Posted by Stray59
In the spring our Lowe's usually gets several varieties of these Dendrobium varieties. They can be very long lasting in bloom and as long as you give them the correct environment they are not hard to grow.
In reality, isn't this a dendrobium and phalaenopsis cross?
I love them, but for some reason can't rebloom them....They require a drop in temps prior to bloom don't they?
These are easy to grow and flower. You are mostly likely not giving them enough light. They need very bright sun at last more than half day to grow and flower well.
These are tropical, no need for cooling. They flower when they want to.
These last from one to over six month in bloom. Sonya is one of the longer lasting variety. A bunch of these I got for my birthday years ago lasted over two months in the vase! The potted one I have is now beginning to drop flowers after having been in bloom for nearly 6 months. definately worth growing!
Dendrobium phalaenopsis as these are commonly referred to, is actually incorrect and wrong name.
This type of hybrid came from species that belong to phalaenathe, which sounds similar to a different group of orchid Phalaenopsis.
People started to call this dendrobium dendrobium phalaenopsis. and starts all kind of confusion like it is a cross between phalaenopsis and dendrobium...it is named so because flowers look like phalaenopsis....
It has nothing to do with phalaenopsis.