Cambria is used in trade to cover most plants in the oncidium alliance and their hybrids. That one looks like it could be one of the plants often sold as Colmonara Masia Red, but though that's a registered grex name, it's one without known parents, and I've heard many plants sold under the name are actually other grexs. In any case, too many similar plants for it to be anything but a noid without a label!
Looks very healthy to me! Lots of nice roots (quite thick for a 'cambria', though my Masai Red (which has a patterned lip) has thick roots too. I don't see any cut pseudobulb: if you mean the leafless one, it's quite normal for old pulbs to loose their leaves. Re watering: they like perhaps just a shade damper than phals. I always tell with phals when they need watering by looking for the roots down inside the pot turning silvery. With these I tend to look for the roots ON TOP turning white. However yours has a lot of roots growing in the air, and it looks like they are white but the medium is damp? So you might need to leave it a little longer.
The roots are softer and more delicate than phals: be careful when you repot (especially if you get more 'cambrias' with finer roots). Those on top look great! Old pulbs do tend to shrivel and in many cases won't plump back up again once dehydrated, so don't worry too much about the wrinkles.
Last edited by Rowangreen; 12-17-2012 at 12:25 PM..