Hi guys! I had a little impulse buy today. It's (in my opinion) a lovely looking thing! The tag says "Cambria". The flowers are slightly fragrant and look darker and less red /more purple/ in real life. There seemed to be a lot of roots and it looked healthy overall. I have no idea how to care for a plant wit this structure. It's potted in bark mix with some sphag in there. It was extremely dry when I got it home, but I only sprayed the roots over the soil. They feel mushy, but look all the same and pretty healthy. They're not the roots I would expect from a Phal, but even the newest and smallest root is slightly soft and it couldn't have had a chance to rot so I'm guessing they're supposed to be like that? Some of the bulbs are wrinkled and one of them was brutally cut. I suspect dehydrating and a traumatic past... So what do you think? What should my next move be?