Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks
dang it, i wrote a good amount to explain this but i pressed backspace by accident and its all gone
anyways, looking at the pots i think the first 3 are from matsui. the paph has culture similar to phalaenopsis. the next 2 are oncidiums both will fit to the intergeneric culture. and phals well theyre phals and will grow almost anywhere. read up on them since they have very beasic culture.
the blue one i might say is slightly different because of the species used to get "blue" but idk, i would researcg it. its lovely btw and im kinda envious as i want a blue phal. whered you get this one at again?
From matsui?
The phals I'm not worried as much about... I have several phals in my house...
About two years ago someone gave me an out of bloom phal, with a tag that said amabillis... And I promised myself that if I coukd get it to bloom again I could go buy some more phals...
Last year it threw up a spike and i rejoiced by buying more phals...
Now I know phals can thrive and bloom in my house...
Thats also my story of how i got into orchids...
The oncidiums, brassia, and paph were me feeling confident enough in basic phal care to brave some NOIDs...
The oncidiums I showed here are the two that seem dehydrated but I have hope that the new growth will have adapted better to my house...
My sharry baby hasnt changed at all since i got it... zero growth worries me...
and my brassia... The oldest bulb became severly wrinkled, a fattening growth became weak thin and floppy and new growth stalled....
Over all psuedo bulbs and me are not getting on....
and I'm rambling... sorry...
I'snt it great? I had to have it....
It was $10 at my local nursery. They have a small green house with a orchid section in it.
The lady who runs it gets mainly phals in. They always have a small section of mini phals... which is where this beauty was..